
Business Studies Assessment Blog 

MYP Unit Question
To what extent can leaders play a role in shaping their subordinates?

Critical Thinking Question
Business is less about management and more about leadership. To what extent is this statement true? 

Area Of Interaction

Health and Social Education 
This AOI helps the MYP leaners to understand the basic concept of business environment and communications, investigate the different leadership and recruitment methods and media of communication.  This unit will allow students to examine the impact of changes on society/people and reflect on the consequences of such changes and analyze the importance of leadership in organization.

Approaches To Learning 

I. Oraganisational skills 
II. Collaborative skills
III. Communication skills
IV. Information literacy skills
V. Reflection skills
VI. Thinking skills

Project Background 

Leadership is a valuable skill, especially in the workspace. Some people seem to be born to lead and others have to work at it. Whichever category you fall under, you can be sure that the ability to effectively lead others will improve your work environment and help you get the best out of your subordinates. Even if, you are not in a specific position of leadership in your job, leadership skills can benefit you. In dealing with subordinates, leadership skills can help you develop strong working relationships and earn the respect and support of your peers.

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