Thursday 12 September 2013

Bill Gates

The leader I am focusing on is Bill Gates.


Leader born or made.........
Leaders are made and not born because each and everyone are born TO BE a leader not born AS A leader. It is how an individual develop herself/himself to step up and be the leader. Although being a leader is not easy but a leader is not the one who directs people to do something but to do the work with his/her fellow teammates and learn new skills together and take the skills to another level.  Anyone can be a leader because even with little skills they can still improve and polish their expertise with others.  What a leader does not know about, the member may have know lots about and vise versa. 

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others."

Bill Gates came from an entrepreneurship family and high spirited liveliness. His mother was a teacher teaching in University of Washington Regent and also she was the chairman of United Way International. 

Even before graduation Gates left Harvard University in 1975 to pursue his dream to form Microsoft along with his childhood friend, Paul Allen. They had planned to do progression on developing a software for a personal computer market. 

Bill Gates had so much interest in computer programming and software that he began to develop his interest since he was thirteen years old. In the year 1973, he became the student of Harvard University and met Steve Ballmer who is not the Microsoft's chief executive officer. Even when he was still a Harvard undergraduate, Bill Gates had wrote a programming language basic for the MITS Altair microcomputer. 

Bill Gates is one of the richest man in the world and he is the co-founder of Microsoft and the creator of Windows. He is also best known as the entrepreneur that made a revolution in the computer industry. 

I think that Bill Gates success does not only come from his effort but also from his interest in what he is doing. A great leader is not only working hard to get to where they are but because they put interest and  enthusiasm in doing something. Even making a blog about Leadership and choosing my leader, I am motivated to create a blog full of information about Bill Gates because Bill Gates is a role model to me. He does not only become successful in his career because of hard work but also motivation and eagerness to develop a computer software and earned his position as one of the richest man in the world.  

"Business the Bill Gates Way: Secrets from the World’s Richest Business Leader – Australian Business Solutions." Australian Business Solutions. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013.