Saturday 21 September 2013


Organisation: Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation
Type of Organisation: Non-profit Organisation

Polio Strategy Overview 
Goals: To eradicate polio worldwide. 

1)Vaccination Campaign 
Our main objective is to improve the quality of campaign in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan or we targeted on the poor countries like Africa. In Kano, Nigeria, children were given oral polio vaccine. Our goals also include to reach all children in their first life from the highest-risk countries that need multiple doses of Polio Vaccination Campaign.

2)Routine Immunisation Systems. 
With the help of our partner we are trying to make our RIS strong that include Polio and other vaccines-preventable diseases which include Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough and Measles. 20% of the world's kids did not receive the immunisation of different kind.

3) Surveillance and Monitoring 
It is important to identify and verify where the eradication of the virus happened. A surveillance system was set up and they critically evaluate and target where should the campaign be and making an adjustment for programmes in a organised time. Also they bring out an efficient manner and addressed the outbreak

As a student in Fairview International School are required to do Community and Service because we want to make a change and appreciate what we have since we are the fortunate student to have a well established school with an excellent education system.Bill and Melinda Foundation funds health and education projects all around the world. I think that he did the right thing by setting up the organisation because he believe that we can make a change to our world. The Gates have established the foundation and they have made the world a better place for those who could not afford to pay for their terrible health condition and getting education for the children.

"Polio - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation." Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2013. 

Motivation and Communication

How do Bill Gates;
3) Motivate his team
"The key to supporting the motivation of your employee is understanding what motivates each of them."

-McNamara, American Business Executive and The 8th Secretary of Defence -

Bill Gates considered that the surrounding or the environment of the work place provided will motivate the employees and it is one of the important thing for Microsoft. Microsoft will not employ people who are brilliant and expect that they will be motivated, they employed skilful people and as an individuals and provide them the environment that will encourage them to develop own motivation and bring them to another level.

Microsoft will ensure that their employee or team are motivated and that the goals of the organisation are understood by them through the culture and aware of the what that is required of them. Microsoft achieves this by integrating their goals into Human Resources Management programs that were held. Gates also follow the Maslow's hierarchy of need theory to motivate his team.

4) Communicate with his team
"Gates has improved somewhat in his communication style, but it is not Gates's strongpoint and can be intimidating to some followers."
- J.Anne,Hubpage- 
However, Bill Gates love to speak everyone's language but that does not mean he can speaks multiple language but he can understand each of them. An effective communication differentiate a big major gap between a great leader and a good leader.  It is important that a great leader to speak  the language that the audience can understand. Despite the success that Gates earns he also keep on to work his communication skills and style.

As for Gates, communicating with his team is not and never a problem to him as the employees of Microsoft are always on the same communication wavelength as Bill Gates. However communicating with audience during the presentations to journalist, his style of communicating is often awkward and nerdy.

Nowadays Gates have worked on his presentation skills and he is a much improved communicator. In the 2009, Bill Gates was cited as an example for "How to deliver Effective Presentations?" written in The 100:Insights and Lessons from 100 of the Greatest Speeches Ever Delivered by Simon Mair and Jeremy Kourdi.

I think that Bill Gates provided the perfect environment and because of that, he thinks that by providing the suitable environment will motivate his teams. Environment plays an important role is motivating the staff at work for example, our school environment is full of green so students do not feel too stress out and do not feel suffocated since trees give out oxygen so the environment feels clean. Not only that, our school also is a friendly environment so everyone is helping each other and avoid having a friends from having depression. Same goes to Microsoft working environment where people motivated others to work smartly. Bill Gates communicates well with his team member although he was communicating awkwardly previously but he has worked on his communication skills and styles. Plus Bill Gates has developed his communicating as his audience are broaden.

"Bill Gates Leadership." Leadership With You. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2013. 
"Business the Bill Gates Way: Secrets from the World’s Richest Business Leader."Australian Business Solutions. Australian Business Solutions, 3 Apr. 2012. Web. 19 Sept. 2013. 

"Bill Gates: The Great Communicator? - Businessweek." N.p.17 Feb. 2009. Web. 19 Sept. 2013.